Arrays talking to Arrays

Braden Campbell
Apr 19, 2021

My piece is called ‘Fire and Rain’ due to the color of the particles and the properties of their motion.


  • If particles are fall from top, stroke = blue. If particles rise from bottom, stroke = orange.
  • If particles fall within height/4 radius of center, rotate clockwise/ gravitate towards center.
  • If mouse is pressed and particles fall within height/2 radius, rotate counterclockwise/ gravitate towards center.
  • If particles reach top of canvas, bottom of canvas, or center of canvas, splice out particle.
  • use canvas width to determine how many particles spawn per frame. (with a 1920 px width, the system has a maximum of 1600+ particles.)
  • strokeWeight is determined by location on canvas in several ways.


particle system without mouse pressed.
mouse pressed for sort time.
mouse pressed, released, then pressed again.

